International Conference in Zurich: Neuroscience and Human Rights

11 and 12 December 2014 Jointly organized by the Chair Mahlmann (UZH) and the European Association of Neuroscience and Law …

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Ruth und Paul Wallach-Stipendium

Scholarship of the „Law and Animals – Ethics at Crossroads“ program Informations

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Philosophie, Recht und Umweltkrise

12. und 13. September 2014 Informationen zur Veranstaltung  

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The Animal Turn and the Law

European Animal Law Conference (4.-5. April. 2014) Flyer  

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Würde und Autonomie

Forschungskolloquium (24-25.04.2013) Programme  

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Ökonomische Theorie der Verfassung

Luzerner Law and Economics-Tagung (12.04.2013) Programme  

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