La Propriété et ses Limites
26 septembre 2015 09h – 16hUniversité de GenèveUni MailBoulevard du Pont d’Arve 401205 Genève Brochure
International Conference in Zurich: Neuroscience and Human Rights
11 and 12 December 2014 Jointly organized by the Chair Mahlmann (UZH) and the European Association of Neuroscience and Law …
Ruth und Paul Wallach-Stipendium
Scholarship of the „Law and Animals – Ethics at Crossroads“ program Informations
Philosophie, Recht und Umweltkrise
12. und 13. September 2014 Informationen zur Veranstaltung
The Animal Turn and the Law
European Animal Law Conference (4.-5. April. 2014) Flyer