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The 29th World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) will take place at the University of Lucerne between 7th and 13th July 2019. The congress will be organised by the Swiss Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (SVRSP) in collaboration with the Institute for Research in the Fundaments of Law – lucernaiuris.
The IVR World Congress is a biennial event that brings together individuals from across the globe with an interest in questions of legal and social philosophy. The congress usually attracts between 800 and 1000 attendees and is, as such, one of the largest and most prestigious international conferences for legal scholars. Recent host venues include Washington D.C. (2015), Belo Horizonte (2013), Frankfurt (2011) and Beijing (2009).
The special focus of the congress in 2019 will be on the theme “Dignity, Democracy, Diversity”. The aim is to open a discursive space for critical discussion on matters of human rights, on contemporary challenges for the realisation of political autonomy, and on issues of pluralism in the modern world.
Additional information, and an extended outline of the congress theme, can be found on the website: www.ivr2019.org.
Eine Gallerie mit Impressionen des Kongresses finden Sie unter www.ivr2019.org/photos.
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